Welcome to my Diary!

This diary was started on: October 12, 2021

12 October 2021

Making my website for the first time! Hopefully everything works out and this goes well. I am a bit weary of how it will work and if I will keep it afloat. I should be asleep for school tomorrow, but I am not. I really am not proud of how school is going. It really is not what I want to do in life. I want to be in the history field, but they don't make much money. I also wanted to do pottery for a long time, but do people make money in pottery? I don't know. I just want life to get happier again. At the time of writing this, I am now 21 and it is very surreal. I hate being older.And did I stay up passed 4am to play The Sims Online? Yes.

13 October 2021

Today starts my new classes for the mini term! Hopefully they go good today. I have a busy day after this, so at least I have something to look forward to. I have to go to the other college to get a tech grant and I have to take the cat to the vet, but at least I have friends going with me. My anxiety drags me down to the point I can't do much on my own, but I recently started driving to different places now! It honestly is too early to have a keyboarding class at 8am everyday. How much longer until Christmas break?

17 November 2023

Honestly, lowkey forgot this page existed. Forgot how to code html as well. Oh well, no one checks this anyways. It's been two years, and life is still a bit shitty. I'm at a different college and I am making some friends. I still have the worst social anxiety ever, but hey that's life. Thanksgiving break is coming up this week, so that's something to look forward to. Not much has happened in two years, which is really sad. However, I do speak a bit of Japanese now. みなさん、こんにちは!

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