Welcome to Sonadry's Website!

Home of random activities by Sonadry!

This website is under construction!

This website is mostly just to test making a website. I started it on a whim, always being interested in 90s-00s websites! It is also meant to also be a blog (hopefully!) I am learning how to use HTML to make a website to be able to share things to the world, and also have a diary that does not require paper. I hope whoever is reading this enjoys my site and has a great day! This website will be under construction a lot just fyi!

About Me!

My name is Amery! I am 21 years old (birthday October 7th) and I made this webpage to just live in a time I didn't get to experience sadly . I enjoy Youtube, writing, drawing, video games, cooking, and history! My favorite band is Oingo Boingo and my favorite food is sushi! I am also an eighth Japanese; it's not cool, but I think it is. I really don't know what else to say besides enjoy my shitty webpage!